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Exam Season Must-Haves with Allison!

By Allison, Student Content Creator
Exam Szn must-haves with Allison written on a whiteboard in the Library

As assessments loom closer, it's absolutely crucial to equip yourself with everything necessary to optimise your revision efforts and achieve the highest scores possible!

Check out the following blog post for a rundown of my indispensable essentials and perhaps glean some insights for your next study sesh in the library!

Instant coffee

Instant coffee with mugStarting my day with a cup of coffee is an absolute essential! And what can possibly be better than a cup of coffee? An affordable cup of coffee! Although coffee shops may be a bit fancier, nothing beats saving a few pounds here and there. Instant coffee offers a much more affordable alternative and saves you brewing time. Simply find your favourite flavour and have a cup whenever you please. When I’m feeling a bit more ambitious, I even make a quick cup and take it along with me to lectures or the library in my thermos!

SnacksSnacks on the desk

While on the topic of nourishment, it'd be silly not to mention snacks! It’s without a doubt that everyone craves something sweet while pulling a study sesh in the Phil Rob, so I’m always sure to pack a bite. I personally prefer spicy snacks like Flamin’ Hot crisps, as well as fruits that add some freshness to the stagnant library air. To cut back on sugar intake, I'm also sure to spring for sodas with less sugar content, like Diet Coke! Craving chocolate? No problem! Dark chocolate fulfils that craving while benefiting your cognitive function!

A study buddy

Companionship is super important during exam season. Maintaining relationships and spending time with my girls keeps me sane among the essay writing and mind-map making. Planning study seshes together, grabbing food during your breaks, or even strolling around the library together while on break can totally ease nerves!

Allison studying with a friend

Headphones and music

Headphones on deskI honestly don’t know where I’d be without music and noise cancellation! If you’re anything like me and find silent areas a bit anxiety-inducing and suffocating, and prefer working in social spaces, be sure to invest in some noise-isolating headphones! I currently have AirPods Pro, which work super well for me, but for a more affordable, over-ear option, be sure to check out Sony, Skullcandy, and Bose’s options! When doing math, I also like to listen to a bit of music. Making a super chill playlist doesn’t distract me from the task at hand but provides a nice ambiance!

Water bottle and lip balm

Water bottle and lip balmIt’s super easy to neglect your body’s needs when you’ve got exams to prepare for. Sometimes, I even forget to take a drink of water! That’s why I’m sure to fill my Hydroflask before I leave home with ice-cold water and have it right by my laptop within eye view so I’m reminded to stay hydrated! After all, I do have about three cups of coffee a day and need to combat all that! Lip balm also comes in super handy. I find libraries quite dry, and especially on days when I forget to drink enough water, I become dehydrated. Lip balm makes sure I’ve never got cracked, crusty lips.

My Study Bunny

My Study Bunny not only works as an on-screen companion with a super stylish office but also as a revision tracker with a built-in To-Do list section. My Study Bunny allows me to see all the work I’ve done and all the work I need to do, and it enables me to set time goals and avoid touching my phone. I often use My Study Bunny to apply the Pomodoro studying technique. With every minute of studying, I gain coins and can use them to decorate my Bunny’s home and outfit. Who knew something so simple would be so encouraging!

My Study Bunny app

Gym sesh The University gym

Remaining active during this period is super important to me! The gym not only benefits my body but also gives my brain an opportunity to absolutely clock out and forget all the stress to focus mainly on my routine and the way my body is feeling. It provides an excellent opportunity to disconnect and better yourself. Working out with a friend is also something I do regularly! If you’re interested in joining the University Gym, check it out!





By Allison, second-year Marketing & Management student and Student Content Creator