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Futures Festival

By Newcastle University

We want you to get involved in imagining and designing the future of our University.

Over recent months, we’ve been working to help us all begin to look forward to some longer-term possibilities for Higher Education. We want to take the lessons we have learnt from living through the pandemic and build on our longstanding reputation for innovation to consider the big picture in terms of the future of our great University.

So, we’re hosting Futures Festival from 25th May.

The festival will have some core themes:

  • The Campus of the Future
  • The Digital Campus
  • The future of learning, teaching and assessment
  • The Future of Research
  • The Future of Work

We want your views on how we should shape the way the future of the University looks. You can help us bring our ideas to life and we can work together to take our University forward.

The aim is to involve as many colleagues and students as possible and we’re doing this is a new way – in the form of a Festival, offering a fun way for everyone to engage and something that everyone can get involved in, whether this be a main event, a fringe, a tour, or a campfire discussion. We hope that this will be an opportunity for us to come together over the coming months and to encourage you to hold your own discussions, debates, and events.

With this is mind, we’re staging an opening event to kick off the Festival on 25th May to inspire discussions. You’ll get to hear from members of the Future Group, take part in a fringe event workshop, and engage in a panel discussion. You can register now to attend

The closing event will sum up what we’ve discovered over the course of our Festival experience on 15th September. And in between, you’ll be able to pick from our exciting line-up of events, tours, workshops, talks and videos, to engage in a way that suits you. Why not take a tour around our campus and be inspired to think about the spaces in which we can engage with one another? Or you could take the opportunity to shape our Research Culture or get involved in the Art of the Possible. There will be events to suit everybody.

You can discover more about our Festival line-up through the Festival webpages.

These will be updated regularly with more opportunities to get involved. And, you too can add to the Festival programme. If you have an event taking place or a video recorded that fits our themes, you can add these to the event line-up.

Register now