Get Registered to Vote! A Step to Step Guide

Written by Leyla, Student Content Creator | Feb 23, 2024 1:17:36 PM

Watch our video and find out more about voter registration below!


If you are a student in Newcastle, it is highly important that you register yourself to vote in the elections that will take place on 2 May. Voting has several benefits, including seeing active change in our city, choosing your priorities and being actively involved in shaping a better future. While it can feel that you, as an individual, are only one voter, realise that your voice, alongside thousands of other people, can always make a change. Every single vote counts in deciding how we deal with current issues in Newcastle 

Step 1: Check if you meet the criteria 

There are four criteria to meet to ensure that you are eligible to vote in the United Kingdom.

Firstly, you must be over 18 as well as either: 

  1. A UK or Irish Citizen 
  2. An EU Citizen living in the UK 
  3. A qualifying Commonwealth Citizen living in the UK. You can see the list of commonwealth countries on the Electoral Commission website.

Step 2: Register to Vote by the 16th of April 

If you meet these criteria, the next step takes only 5 minutes to complete. This is the actual step of registering to vote and you can access the form on the government website. Despite several elections coming up, you only need to register to vote once. When you register, you will receive a polling card, which will let you know where you can vote near you. If it will be difficult or inaccessible to vote in person, then you can register for a postal vote.

Step 3: Collect all necessary forms of ID for voting 

When you go to vote, it is now essential to carry a form of photographic ID (options listed here)  such as a passport or a driving licence. If you do not have any of the suggested ID, you can still vote by registering for a voting certificate. The deadline for this is the 24 April 

Step 4: GO VOTE 

There are three elections in Newcastle that you need to be aware of to vote in:  

  1. The local elections 
  2. The Police and Crime Commissioner Election 
  3. The North East Mayoral Election
Voting for all three of these elections will take place on 2 May so you have a chance to research the candidates to find out how closely their goals and priorities align with your own. 

For the North East Mayoral Election, you can find out more about the candidates at the Mayoral Assembly taking place on Monday 22 April, 6:00pm at the Tyne Theatre and Opera House.

Registration is open now.


Not sure about registering online or have questions?

Come along to our Voter Registration stand in the foyer of the Philip Robinson Library on Monday March 11th from 10am – 4pm where we’ll have people on hand to help guide you through the steps, help you register to vote and answer any questions you may have.