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My job interview tips and tricks

By Leyla, Student Content Creator

Leyla, a stage 3 student, shares the hacks she used while interviewing for a social media role.

Picture111Not only is it the season of enjoying the sunshine and happily preparing for graduation, but summer invites time for internship applications and post-university jobs. I know this is daunting, (I am in the same position), but my CV is gracefully littered with all the opportunities and things I did while at university. If anything, we are more than ready to enter the job market. However, following the application process, there may be interviews and for me, this is always the scary part. So, I have compiled a list of all my tips and tricks that keep me calm before meeting my future boss and preparing for an interview! 

1. Check out their social media and website 

The first time I was asked about the social media presence of a business I was applying to work in, I was completely thrown off guard. Since then, I have always meticulously gone through their Instagram, so I understand their ethos, projects, and what they expect of me.Picture444

The company website will always have buzz words of traits they want to see in their employees and if you casually {but not so casually} drop these into your interview, you will stand out. Additionally, if you are comfortable navigating their online presence, your familiarity with the business means your transition into working there will be easier so they are more willing to hire you.

2. Bank of examples 

Picture222When you discover the buzz words by looking through the website and application, think about times that you demonstrate those traits. For example, if they are asking for an effective team worker, what times have you shown that ability at its best? I like to write down the buzz words for my interview prep so that they are easily available for me to practise with. 


3. Practise

Picture666This seems like a simple tip but amazingly, many people go into an interview without brainstorming potential questions they might be asked. If you think about those, you have the opportunity to prepare well thought out, concise answers. Occasionally, I try to practise with my friends, but if they are not available, then anything with a face will do, whether it’s a pet, a soft toy, or in my case, my slug night lamp, Beenu!

4. Prepare a list of questions for the end of the interview 

Picture777In every interview, your interviewer will ask if you have any questions for them. This is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your eagerness and use all the information you gathered about their ongoing and future projects. Always ask questions!



5. Arrive early and dress appropriately 


No words needed here. These are the obvious ones but create a sense of professionalism long before you even start interviewing.

6. Get advice from others 

If you have friends, relatives or LinkedIn connections you know of who have applied to a similar position to you, ask them for advice! Additionally, you can always go to the Newcastle University Careers Service for help regarding CV writing, applications and interview prep. 

You can find out more about making applications on the Careers Service website and also book  1:2:1 appointments to help with preparing for an interview on MyCareer.