NUSU | Making sure your voice is heard
Published: 1 December 2021 | Updated: 1 December 2021 | By: Newcastle University | 2 min read
Our Students' Union is here to make sure your voice is heard.
Student Council
Student Council is key to decision making at NUSU, and it’s where you get to help shape how your Students’ Union is run.
Not only does Student Council decide some of the campaigns and events that we run and support, but it’s also where we decide on changes to our policies, our constitution, or the major issues we raise to the University. It has also never been easier to get involved – you can come along in person or watch via a live link. To catch up on what you have missed so far watch the October or November Councils by following the links.
At our October Council a motion was brought forward to ‘mandate the Sabbatical Officers to conduct a cross-campus poll on potential UCU industrial action’ which PASSED meaning that the Sabbs will gather your thoughts to inform their stance ahead of any potential strike action! You can read more on the council session here.
There’s also pizza, refreshments and Luther’s Bar drinks’ vouchers. All students can come along, pose a motion, or apply to vote.
School Reps
School Reps represent your voice at the Faculty level, sharing your views and feedback at meetings of the Faculty Education Committee. You can find out more about School Reps, including the contact details of the Rep for your School or Institute, by visiting the NUSU website.
We are currently accepting applications from Postgraduate Taught students studying in:
- The School of Medical Education
- The School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics
- Newcastle University Business School
- The School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
- Newcastle University Law School
- The School of Computing.
If you are from an eligible Postgraduate Taught programme and interested in applying, you can find out more about the role here and submit an application here.
Save the Date: Week of Postgraduate Events, 31 January – 4 February, 2022
Postgrad Community Week is a week of fun and engaging events for our Post Graduate community brought to you by Postgraduate Officer Eleanor McCarthy. Eleanor represents the views of all postgraduate students and pushes for positive changes on their behalf at the most senior University meetings. You can read her recent Term 1 update here.
Events will focus on wellbeing and bringing the PG community together. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to find out more in the coming weeks and months.
NUSU Campaigns so far 2021/22
Black History Month
Your Welfare Officer Brianna Gordhan has hosted the hugely successful Black History Month campaign with over 400 students actively engaging across the programme of events. This year it focused on ‘Our Black History’ and what allyship and being anti-racist means to students here a Newcastle University.
The campaign featured an engaging 3-part video on what allyship and being anti-racist means to those in the community and a great panel debate on Decolonising NCL. All of which are still available to view online if you missed them the first time around:
- Our Black History 2021 (Part 1) "What is anti-racism and allyship?"
- Our Black History 2021 (Part 2) "Dismantling Anti-Black attitudes"
- Our Black History 2021 (Part 3) "Individual Anti-racism: Advice from Black student to Black student"
- Decolonising NCL x Black History Month Panel Discussion
S.H.A.G Week
S.H.A.G stands for Sexual Health, Awareness, and Guidance and is an amazing campaign brought to you by the NUSU Welfare and Support Centre. Its core aim was to provide useful information intended to help you keep sexually healthy. This year we focused on the basics of getting tested, why this is important and how easy it is.
Last week STI testing took place in Luther’s Bar boosted with a competition amongst Clubs and Societies to see who can get the most members tested… and we saw our highest test numbers ever over 680)!
Don’t worry if you missed it! All the information and resources will be on our website and in the Welfare and Support Centre, which is next to the Co-op and behind NUSU main reception.