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As exams loomit might seem like everyone else is well-prepared while ...

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Working on your dissertation or extended project can be very rewarding. It’s an opportunity to explore topics that you have...

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Mornings during the exam period are like no other: you wake up with nagging thoughts of spending the whole day hunched over your...

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Referencing is an important part of academic writing – you’ll usually find it included in the marking criteria for your...

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Check out these important pieces of advice from Jay, our Student Content Creator, about writing a dissertation!

In many ways,...

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Reading is a key part of university learning for all subject areas. As Semester 2 gets underway and you start to work on new...

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Autumn is finally here – season of mists, mellow fruitfulness, and pumpkin-spiced deadline anxiety.

Fortunately, we’ve designed...

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It’s autumn and the start of the new academic year and you may well have questions about the work you’ll have to do on your...

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There are many different types of information available when it comes to researching for your assignment, dissertation, or...

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How often do you spot a glaring spelling mistake or an incomplete sentence in your work right after you hand it in? Or receive an...

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