You Said, We Listened | Newcastle University Business School
Published: 11 February 2022 | Updated: 11 February 2022 | By: Newcastle University | 1 min read
Here at Newcastle University, we welcome and value feedback from our students
When you provide us with feedback about your degree programme or university life, it allows us to understand what we are doing well and how we can improve your experience. We want you to make the most of your time at Newcastle University and we’re dedicated to hearing your views and opinions.
In this blog, we share some of the ways your feedback has been acted on in the Business School.
Creating a Business School community
Creating a community between student and staff is important to us, so we’re encouraging engagement with your module leaders and personal tutors. We’ve recently hosted ‘Meet your Module Leader’ events where you have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
A sense of community within your course is also very important and many of our students felt that this could be improved on, especially since the return to campus after the pandemic. So, to help you make the most of your social and networking opportunities, we are collaborating with the Chartered Institute of Marketing and promoting the activities they organise, including additional education opportunities, student competitions, and certification.
Adapting our feedback
Just as receiving feedback from students is important to us, we also know that providing you with feedback on your assessments is central in helping you make the most of your degree programme. Recently, some of our students have asked for more in-depth and detailed assessment feedback, so we’ve altered our methods of assessing your work.
Across various modules we’ve ensured our marking criteria and rubrics are available for our students to view along with the assessment briefs. We’ve also implemented pre- and post-assessment clinics to provide additional support and clarification on your assessment feedback. On some programmes, we’ve increased our study guidance by sharing practice questions, hosting frequent online discussions, and recommending articles to read alongside your lectures.
Improving your placements
In the Business School, your placement may play a large role in your learning experience. Recently, our students have provided us with feedback on the placement and study abroad programmes and how we can improve the experience.
Our students told us that they initially wanted to be given more information about placement and study abroad opportunities, so we now deliver regular sessions and 1-to-1 conversations with the purpose of providing you with clear information, as well as giving you access to Mobility Ambassadors who can share their experiences of placements. We’ve also created a dedicated email address for answering your queries.
We’ve also adopted a ‘keep in touch’ plan for students who are on placement or study abroad opportunities, so our students can have regular contact with the Business School. This helps our students transition back to university life, along with our Returners Sessions during induction week, which focus on building on your academic and professional skills and updating your employability profile.
Your wellbeing
Caring for your wellbeing is important to us and so we have acted on lots of relevant feedback provided to us by our students. Some students asked for easier access to wellbeing support without an appointment, so we’ve introduced wellbeing drop-in sessions, and we also share weekly Wellbeing Wednesday posts on Canvas.