#InThisTogether Lockdown 2.0 | Newcastle University

Written by Newcastle University | Dec 3, 2020 12:33:27 PM

Let's give a round of applause to our selfless community for their continued efforts during lockdown 2.0.

Although another lockdown was upon us, the staff and students of Newcastle University once again came together to demonstrate resilience, bravery and community spirit when it truly mattered the most. From raising money for charity to lending a helping hand in the community, here are just some of our campus heroes who deserve a huge thank you for their hard work.

Covid-19 Student Support Team

As we began the new academic year in September, a team of 80 student workers were recruited to form a Covid-19 Student Support Team with the aim of welcoming students back onto campus and helping them settle in. Formed from the JobsOC temps pool, Student Ambassadors, Street Scientists and many more, the diverse team have worked tirelessly throughout induction and lockdown 2.0 to provide a warm welcome to new and returning students and to help remind everyone in our community about the social distancing measures in place.

To each and every student Safety Pack Distributor, Quarantine Buddy, Covid-19 Helpline Advisor, Campus Guide, Delivery Assistant, International Welcome Assistant, Queue Triage Support, Res Life Assistant and Registration Marshal who has helped during this second period of uncertainty, we thank you greatly for your hard work and support.

Frontline Staff on Campus

Unlike the first national lockdown, the second lockdown period meant our campus could remain open with essential student services like our libraries, computer clusters, study spaces, catering facilities and our campus Co-op also open for student access. Despite new restrictions, our brave and dedicated key workers from our call centre, Covid-19 test centres, estates team, catering facilities, accommodation, IT services and cleaners continued to keep our campus tidy, operational and importantly, safe.

Our dedicated frontline staff have been crucial in keeping our campus open and safe for our students, so we send endless thanks to these essential workers for their invaluable efforts. 


Mind the Gap Society

Throughout both lockdown periods, it's been important to remind ourselves to care for our mental health just as much as protecting our physical health from the virus. To help our student community, our mental health student society, Mind the Gap, has been providing useful resources about how students can care for, discuss and get help regarding mental wellbeing.

Specifically, the society launched a "Coping with Covid" series alongside Feminist Society, FemSoc, which included a programme of events tailored to the second lockdown. The society also developed Peer Support Groups and an extensive Student Resource Lockdown Pack which shared useful advice from charities like Young Minds and a range of self care ideas encouraging creativity, learning and baking to name a few. Their increased efforts over this second lockdown will have been a huge aid and comfort for many of our students.

Discover upcoming campaigns and support from Mind the Gap here.


NUSU Co-op

Between restocking shelves and ensuring all customers are satisfied, our campus Co-op also managed to squeeze some fundraising into lockdown 2.0. Raising an incredible £3911.32 for local community causes NSPCC, Gateshead Food Bank and Newcastle Castle, well done to the Co-op and it's shoppers.

This fundraising also follows their invaluable efforts throughout semester 1 where 2,700 co-op grocery vouchers were issued to self-isolating students.


Carrots on the Run - 5km a day

Throughout November, Newcastle University Geography students Kate, Eleni and Tash made it their mission to run 5km every day until Christmas dressed as giant carrots for Newcastle West End Food Bank. Keeping fit and healthy and supporting an incredible cause, the students have already raised over £2500 with less than a month to go. So far, they have managed to race to the seaside, the Angel of the North and even our very own Arches on campus.

Whilst managing their studies in the meantime, we know their efforts will be largely appreciated especially during the past month of lockdown.

Want to follow their fundraising journey? Follow the trio on Instagram here or make a donation to their crowdfunding page here. We're 'rooting' for you!


Covid-19 Student Community

After much popularity during the first lockdown, our dedicated NUSU Sabbatical Officers made the decision to continue the Covid-19 Community Facebook group throughout the second lockdown period to ensure all students are supported, safe and informed. From sharing important university-wide updates to unmissable events and activities, the officers once again provided a safe online space for all students. We are certain that this virtual community has not only provided essential support and information but new friends too.


Packing for Isolating Children

Taking time out from their personal and university lives, students from our Geography department have been doing their bit to help isolating children. Together with charity North Tyneside VODA, the students have been spending their afternoons packing almost 200 isolation bags for children educating at home during the lockdown. These handy packs can include puzzle books, skipping ropes and stationary and will benefit many households in the North Tyneside area. We couldn't be prouder of our students for their involvement.


Newcastle University First Responders

A second lockdown didn't phase our university first responders as they continued to support the North East Ambulance Service over the last four weeks. Volunteering both early mornings and late evenings, the team is made up of Newcastle University Medical students who provide crucial assistance to 999 calls, Covid-19 related or not. These students are literally on the front line of the pandemic and their endless bravery will not go unmissed.

If you'd like to discover more about the first responders, join the team for their December Governance Evening on Monday 7th December to learn of the interesting and challenging cases attended to by the service. Register your interest here.


Movember in Lockdown

In "normal" circumstances, Movember is marked with extraordinary fundraising events, impressive charity runs and importantly, growing a moustache, all to raise awareness of men's health issues, both mental and physical. Though this year is anything but "normal", a variety of our men's sports teams have joined forces to do their bit for the ever-important cause. From moustache-growing and lone charity runs to sharing the cause far and wide online, teams like Newcastle University Football Team (pictured) have still managed to raise almost £1,000 despite the second national lockdown.

Alongside the football team, Newcastle University Boat Club have fundraised over £3000, with the Hockey Club also contributing over £2,500 and Newcastle University Rugby Club raising over £7,500. This means that collectively between the 16 sports teams involved, the students have collected over £25,000, smashing their initial target of £20,000. Though it is forever crucial to look after your health and check in on your friends and loved ones, lockdown periods can be particularly tough for many of us and these teams have shown that anything is possible in such unprecedented times.

There's still time to show your support for Movember. Discover how you can get involved here. For anyone seeking health and wellbeing support, information on our Student Health and Wellbeing Services can be found here.


7th Ride for Children

On behalf of Newcastle University, Jessie Su, the in-country Regional Recruitment Manager for China, used her spare time to participate in the 7th Ride for Children. The charity bike ride, which lasted two days in Autumn, was organised by GET-GEA, together with 48 other members who are also committed to international education. The activity’s aim was to donate resources to children in need as well as raising awareness and spreading positive energy, something we could all do with in such unprecedented times. Well done Jessie!

Got a lockdown 2.0 story to add? Share it with us via email at socialmedia@ncl.ac.uk.

If you're a current student struggling with issues related to Covid-19 please see our updated FAQs pages for the latest information.